We are living in a world that is changing too quickly. People are lonely and they want to be alone. They wish to follow individual ways.

They worry only about themselves which causes suffering.

A man needs to live in a society. All the other animal societies are more productive than alone. These are the rules. Whenever a person is lonely for a long time, he becomes aggressive or depressed.

If he stays alone for egoistical causes, he retreats into himself. In an isolate social condition he remembers the rules of the jungle: each one for himself and war with the others, and the best defense for him is to attack. He simulates the same situation as in the jungle. He’s always defensive and continuously on defense.



But… there are other situations where being alone is productive.

If a spiritual objective moves him, he wishes to meet someone… a God, the universe, a spiritual guide, the cosmos. He stays alone but he looks for someone and the objective is not to remain alone.

To change the behavior of the individual, there are three important points.

A person that wishes to change his world view needs to analyze these points carefully.

1) Time

2) Compassion

3) New meaning


The time is the master of all transformation. The time can pass slowly or so quickly. This depends on what emotions are involved in the situation.

Go back in time, first to the problem; to see it from another person’s eyes. Observe the problem as if it were not yours and study it.

When you study the problem, without emotions, without your own involvement, you can find a real solution. However, practice is necessary.

Compassion is the skill to feel what the other person is feeling and to be able to help someone. To be able to look at yourself as another person would and redress the balance.

Comprehension and equilibrium need a serene mind. Again practice is necessary.

New meaning, another way of looking at the problem shows the other side of the same problem. Many views of the problem change a difficult situation into an easier or simpler shortcut.


Perdão Como Terapia Adjuvante – Palestra :


30 de Setembro a 2 de Outubro às 9:30

São Paulo- SP

NUSE / Departamento de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia / UNIFESP

Terapias Integrativas e Espiritualidade

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